These Object Head Zine editions were digital only, Free-for-all collections. This means anyone of any skill level could join the book and it would be collected into a book format and put up for free to download. This collection includes 2015 (general collection), 2016 (food and utensils), 2018 (flora and fungi), and 2020 (science and technology). Hundreds of pages of artworks for free download!
Object Head Zine Digital Collection (digital)
Object Head Zine Digital Collection (digital)
Object Head Zine Digital Collection (digital)
Louise Leung

Object Head Zine Digital Collection (digital)

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These Object Head Zine editions were digital only, Free-for-all collections. This means anyone of any skill level could join the book and it would be collected into a book format and put up for free to download. This collection includes 2015 (general collection), 2016 (food and utensils), 2018 (flora and fungi), and 2020 (science and technology). Hundreds of pages of artworks for free download!